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JavaScript RegExp Engine Compatibility References

Compatibility reference of all built-in grammars with the JavaScript RegExp engine.

Generated on Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Version 3.1.0

Runtime: Node.js v22.13.1

Report Summary

Total Languages221

Supported Languages

Languages that work with the JavaScript RegExp engine, and will produce the same result as the WASM engine (with the sample snippets in the registry). In some edge cases, it's not guaranteed that the highlighting will be 100% the same. If that happens, please create an issue with the sample snippet.

LanguageHighlight MatchPatterns ParsablePatterns FailedDiff
abap✅ OK52-
actionscript-3✅ OK57-
ada✅ OK201-
angular-html✅ OK665-
angular-ts✅ OK772-
apache✅ OK60-
apex✅ OK186-
apl✅ OK912-
applescript✅ OK152-
ara✅ OK54-
asciidoc✅ OK262-
asm✅ OK297-
astro✅ OK610-
awk✅ OK36-
ballerina✅ OK223-
bash✅ OK148-
bat✅ OK58-
beancount✅ OK39-
berry✅ OK18-
bibtex✅ OK19-
bicep✅ OK27-
blade✅ OK1121-
bsl✅ OK96-
c✅ OK176-
cadence✅ OK71-
cairo✅ OK236-
clarity✅ OK43-
clj✅ OK38-
clojure✅ OK38-
cmake✅ OK23-
cobol✅ OK858-
codeowners✅ OK4-
codeql✅ OK148-
coffee✅ OK467-
common-lisp✅ OK60-
coq✅ OK26-
cpp✅ OK505-
crystal✅ OK1056-
csharp✅ OK302-
css✅ OK141-
csv✅ OK1-
cue✅ OK85-
cypher✅ OK39-
d✅ OK272-
dart✅ OK75-
dax✅ OK23-
desktop✅ OK16-
diff✅ OK16-
docker✅ OK7-
dotenv✅ OK9-
dream-maker✅ OK56-
edge✅ OK629-
elixir✅ OK704-
elm✅ OK241-
emacs-lisp✅ OK153-22
erb✅ OK1767-
erlang✅ OK144-
fennel✅ OK31-
fish✅ OK25-
fluent✅ OK23-
fortran-fixed-form✅ OK331-
fortran-free-form✅ OK327-
fsharp✅ OK238-
fsl✅ OK30-
gdresource✅ OK158-
gdscript✅ OK95-
gdshader✅ OK39-
genie✅ OK20-
gherkin✅ OK19-
gleam✅ OK26-
glimmer-js✅ OK673-
glimmer-ts✅ OK673-
glsl✅ OK185-
gnuplot✅ OK82-
go✅ OK123-
graphql✅ OK445-
groovy✅ OK130-
hack✅ OK943-
haml✅ OK559-
handlebars✅ OK696-
haskell✅ OK163-
haxe✅ OK173-
hcl✅ OK67-
hjson✅ OK57-
hlsl✅ OK52-
html✅ OK608-
http✅ OK747-
hxml✅ OK181-
hy✅ OK12-
imba✅ OK239-
ini✅ OK11-
java✅ OK141-
javascript✅ OK375-
jinja✅ OK639-
jison✅ OK431-
json✅ OK19-
json5✅ OK23-
jsonc✅ OK19-
jsonl✅ OK19-
jsonnet✅ OK33-
jssm✅ OK30-
jsx✅ OK375-
julia✅ OK1159-
kotlin✅ OK58-
kusto✅ OK60-
latex✅ OK286-
lean✅ OK32-
less✅ OK279-
liquid✅ OK689-
llvm✅ OK25-
log✅ OK31-
logo✅ OK9-
lua✅ OK277-
luau✅ OK88-
make✅ OK51-
markdown✅ OK118-
marko✅ OK915-
matlab✅ OK88-
mdc✅ OK780-
mdx✅ OK197-
mermaid✅ OK134-
mipsasm✅ OK17-
mojo✅ OK213-
move✅ OK118-
narrat✅ OK34-
nextflow✅ OK32-
nginx✅ OK376-
nim✅ OK1118-
nix✅ OK80-
nushell✅ OK81-
objective-c✅ OK222-
objective-cpp✅ OK307-
ocaml✅ OK178-
pascal✅ OK23-
perl✅ OK936-
php✅ OK1125-
plsql✅ OK45-
po✅ OK23-
polar✅ OK31-
postcss✅ OK49-
powerquery✅ OK30-
powershell✅ OK88-
prisma✅ OK28-
prolog✅ OK26-
proto✅ OK33-
pug✅ OK683-
puppet✅ OK60-
purescript✅ OK84-
python✅ OK218-
qml✅ OK407-
qmldir✅ OK7-
qss✅ OK31-
r✅ OK71-
racket✅ OK69-
raku✅ OK52-
razor✅ OK943-
reg✅ OK9-
regexp✅ OK34-
rel✅ OK17-
riscv✅ OK36-
rst✅ OK2008-
ruby✅ OK1759-
rust✅ OK89-
sas✅ OK99-
sass✅ OK69-
scala✅ OK116-
scheme✅ OK34-
scss✅ OK233-
sdbl✅ OK23-
shaderlab✅ OK87-
shellscript✅ OK148-
shellsession✅ OK150-
smalltalk✅ OK35-
solidity✅ OK102-
soy✅ OK646-
sparql✅ OK19-
splunk✅ OK17-
sql✅ OK67-
ssh-config✅ OK12-
stata✅ OK253-
stylus✅ OK106-
svelte✅ OK636-
system-verilog✅ OK102-
systemd✅ OK32-
talonscript✅ OK45-
tasl✅ OK23-
tcl✅ OK34-
templ✅ OK671-
terraform✅ OK68-
tex✅ OK106-
toml✅ OK44-
ts-tags✅ OK990-
tsv✅ OK1-
tsx✅ OK375-
turtle✅ OK15-
twig✅ OK2397-
typescript✅ OK362-
typespec✅ OK73-
typst✅ OK78-
v✅ OK78-
vala✅ OK20-
vb✅ OK34-
verilog✅ OK33-
vhdl✅ OK81-
viml✅ OK72-
vue✅ OK690-
vue-html✅ OK714-
vyper✅ OK238-
wasm✅ OK78-
wenyan✅ OK18-
wgsl✅ OK44-
wikitext✅ OK104-
wit✅ OK81-
wolfram✅ OK501-
xml✅ OK168-
xsl✅ OK170-
yaml✅ OK48-
zenscript✅ OK21-
zig✅ OK51-
zsh✅ OK148-
Table Field Explanations
  • Highlight Match: Whether the highlighting results matched with the WASM engine for the sample snippet.
  • Patterns Parsable: Number of regex patterns that can be parsed by the JavaScript RegExp engine.
  • Patterns Failed: Number of regex patterns that can't be parsed by the JavaScript RegExp engine (throws error).
  • Diff: Length of characters that are different between the highlighting results of the two engines.

Mismatched Languages

Languages that do not throw with the JavaScript RegExp engine, but will produce different results than the WASM engine.

LanguageHighlight MatchPatterns ParsablePatterns FailedDiff

Unsupported Languages

Languages that throw with the JavaScript RegExp engine, either because they contain syntax we can't polyfill yet or because the grammar contains an invalid Oniguruma regex (that would also fail when using the WASM engine, but silently). You can try these languages with the forgiving option to skip errors.

LanguageHighlight MatchPatterns ParsablePatterns FailedDiff
swift❌ Error3301

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